Dartmouth Events

Using Retrieval Practice to Enhance Achievement in STEM Courses

Shana Carpenter, Ph.D. will present the results of her NSF-funded research that focus on the effects of asking students questions before they learn something.

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Moore B03
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Much research has shown that practicing to retrieve information enhances learning. In nearly all of the studies on retrieval practice, students retrieve information after they have been introduced to it via a lecture or reading assignment. Very little is known about the effects of asking students questions before they learn something. In a series of laboratory- and classroom-based studies, college students were given “prequestions” over information they were about to learn, and their learning of the material was later assessed. In her talk, Dr. Carpenter (Associate Professor at Iowa State University) will present the results of her NSF-funded research and discuss the implications for college STEM instruction. Reception with refreshments will follow in Moore basement foyer.

For more information, contact:
Sandra White
603 646-3462

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.